
6 Tips For A Safe Event This Year

If you’re planning a concert, festival, retreat, or another event this year, then you need to make sure that you consider what it will take to make sure your event, and the people working and attending it, are safe. Making sure to have an effective plan, created in coordination with a professional event security officer company will help.

Event security is a reality that may not have been nearly as big of a deal 20 to 30 years ago, but in today’s post 9/11 world, good security you can rely on is a must for every large event and most of the smaller ones. Having a well-crafted and executed security plan for your event will not only keep your patrons and vendors safe, but it will also help your guests feel safe. That means they’re going to have a better time.

At Top Gun Security in Miami, we’re a professional event security company that puts our training, years of experience, and cutting-edge technology to work for you. In today’s blog, we will give you six important tips for putting together event security that will help your event flow smoothly and keep it safe.

Get To Know Your Event Venue

The physical space that you are hosting your event is a critical part of the event security planning process. Some spaces are built for better security, especially if they are newer venues, while others leak like a sieve. Identifying where patrons will enter, exit, and congregate allows for your security team to plan accordingly with placements, rotations, and staffing. Additionally, gaining an understanding of the porous areas — points such as delivery doors, unlocked windows, and staff entrances can help you greatly reduce and control non-ticketed, and non-security screened, entry into the building.

Assess Attendee Risks

Every type of event has some inherent risks, and it’s incredibly important that you take the time to evaluate these. Hosting an event that serves alcohol is vastly different than hosting an event that doesn’t. Are you planning a corporate party for a company that currently is facing public backlash, boycotts, or a class action lawsuit? Are you concerned about picket lines?

Knowing the inherent risk of your event and the risks to the people who are attending it is an important component of creating a strong event security plan.

Plan For Crowd Control

It’s obvious, isn’t it? You’ll have lots of people there, but anyone can ask someone to step away from the electrical boxes or vacate an off-limits space, right? You might be surprised how timid untrained event staff can be, and for good reason. Approaching event patrons the wrong way can actually increase risk rather than reduce it.

When you work with a professional event security officer company like Top Gun Security in Miami, that’s not something you’ll have to worry about. Our team of professional security officers has the training, experience, and demeanor to handle every situation that might arise.

Consider the Potential For Large Scale Threats

It really is too bad that this is something we all have to keep in mind, but the reality is that we all watch enough of the news to know that schools, clubs, concerts, and other venues and facilities are not safe spaces anymore. From groups of rock-hurling protesters to a single, sick person with a high powered rifle, there are lots of things that can put your event at risk.

By addressing that risk head-on with the help of a professional security company like Top Gun Security, you can mitigate and prepare for, instead of simply responding to these types of situations.

Keep Communication Flowing

An area where we see lots of problems occur is in the level and coordination of communication between the different elements of your event team. Often times, a single event manager is in contact with the security team. Sometimes, sub-par security teams don’t batch in with emergency services personnel at your event. All of this can lead to a breakdown in communication that can inhibit your ability to catch problems early on, or worse, prevents you from handling a threat in progress with swift, effective action.

Make sure that your entire team is well connected and understands when, and how, to get in touch with each other.

Have Professional Medical Providers On Hand

Even though your event staff may be CPR certified or know how to use AEDs, they remain a poor substitute for on-hand medical staffing. Even at an event that goes off without a security hitch, you’re bound to run into badly skinned knees, dehydration, over-consumption, or over-heating. How well prepared are you to take care of your guests when these kinds of minor events occur? If the answer is, “not very well,” then consider how poorly you are prepared for an actual event security emergency.

Get in Touch With Top Gun Security Today

At Top Gun Security in Miami, keeping people safe is what we do. From residential to commercial to event security, our team of unarmed and armed security officers and surveillance experts can help keep your event running smoothly and safely for vendors, staff, and patrons alike.