4 Misconceptions About Security Guards - FI.jpg

4 Misconceptions About Security Guards

Security guards play an essential role in ensuring the safety of people and property. However, there are many misconceptions about what it's like to work as a security guard. Many people believe that working as a security guard is boring, that no training is required, and that there are no actual responsibilities.

Security guards play an essential role in ensuring the safety of people and property. However, there are many misconceptions about what it's like to work as a security guard. Many people believe that working as a security guard is boring, that no training is required, and that there are no actual responsibilities.

The reality is quite the opposite. Security guard companies play an important role in ensuring the safety of the people and property they protect and their work is critical and requires a wide range of skills. So, read on to find out the biggest misconceptions about security guards!

Security Guards Always Have to Carry Firearms

In reality, not all security guards carry a gun at all times. Only a few of them do. While each security guard is trained to deal with potential threats, firearms need additional training and certification. Security guards are not police officers, and they are not required to carry a weapon in most workplaces. It appears that there is a widespread misconception that the primary responsibility of a security guard is to resolve conflicts quickly and aggressively. But it’s not true. Their work is preventing incidents.

Security Guards are All Men

Historically, the security industry has been dominated by men, but women are increasingly entering the industry. A growing number of women work in security today. Hiring women as security guards also breaks down stereotypes and promotes equality. Being a woman in the security industry today is a benefit because there is organizational support for hiring, promoting, and retaining women to get new approaches to the same problems.

Security Guards Need to Be like Bodybuilders

Although height and physical fitness are helpful, there are other factors to consider. While physical strength and size can deter disrupters, what matters to an employer is having a guard who has been adequately trained to deal with various scenarios, and can prevent incidents and act quickly in an emergency. All security guards must possess observational abilities, the ability to remain vigilant, and effective communication skills.

Security Guards Are not Trained

No security service company provides security guards without training. Their training differs from that of police officers. But, their training equips them to deal with specific situations and threats. Security guards must undergo extensive training to work in their field. They are properly certified and trained to guarantee the safety of your business and your staff.

Security guards are highly trained professionals who are in charge of protecting people and property. Their work is extremely demanding and requires various skills such as interpersonal communication and teamwork. Besides, the classic skills of a security guard prepares them to deal with emergencies and security breaches. In any case, if you want to know all the benefits of having a security guard at your disposal, contact us and we will help you get answers!.